Login for VIP subscribers - Thay Ksada



Seus dados pessoais serão usados para aprimorar a sua experiência em todo este site, para gerenciar o acesso a sua conta e para outros propósitos, como descritos em nossa política de privacidade.

If you are already a VIP member and have not been granted access, click on "Lost your password" and enter your email, we will send you a link to register a new password, if you are still unable to email me via contact page.

VIP 30

  • 30 VIP access days
  • Access to VIP videos
  • See the releases
  • See VIP Blog
  • Photo gallery
  • No automatic renewal

VIP 90

  • 90 VIP access days
  • Access to VIP videos
  • See the releases
  • See VIP Blog
  • Photo gallery
  • No automatic renewal

VIP 180

  • 180 VIP access days
  • Access to VIP videos
  • See the releases
  • See VIP Blog
  • Photo gallery
  • No automatic renewal
Information for non Brazilians, some videos have subtitles in English, but not all. We have been working constantly adding more subtitles
to know which videos already have subtitles in your language access: https://thayksada.com/tag/with-english-subtitles/